The Circuit Breaker is a reactive resilience mechanism that can be used to protect a system component from overloading or failing. By monitoring the health of the system, the circuit breaker can short-circuit execution requests when it detects that the system component is not behaving as expected. After a configurable timeout, the circuit breaker allows a limited number of test requests to pass through to see if the system has recovered. Depending on the test results, the circuit breaker can resume normal operation or continue to short-circuit requests. A circuit breaker is initialized with a configuration that, through pre-configured policies, define its behaviour. The circuit breaker implements the following state machine:
failure rate exceeds
+--------+ or equals threshold +------+
| Closed | ---------------------> | Open |
+--------+ +------+
^ | ^
| after | | failure rate
| timeout | | exceeds or
| | | equals threshold
| failure rate v |
| below threshold +-----------+
|-------------------------- | Half-Open |
In the Closed state, the circuit breaker allows calls to execute the underlying operation, while recording the success or failure of these calls. When the failure rate exceeds a (configurable) threshold, the circuit breaker transitions to the Open state.
In the Open state, the circuit breaker rejects all received calls for a (configurable) amount of time and then transitions to the HalfOpen state.
In the HalfOpen state, the circuit breaker allows a (configurable) number of calls to test if the underlying operation is still failing. After all calls have been attempted, the circuit breaker transitions back to the Open state if newly calculated failure rate exceeds or equals the threshold; otherwise, it transitions to the Closed state.
Examples of usage:
// use predefined policies
val circuitBreaker = CircuitBreaker()
// use custom policies
val circuitBreaker = CircuitBreaker(
circuitBreakerConfig {
failureRateThreshold = 0.5
slidingWindow(size = 10, minimumThroughput = 10)
waitDurationInOpenState = 10.seconds
recordResultPredicate { it is "success" }
recordExceptionPredicate { it is NetworkError }
// get the current state of the circuit breaker
val observedState = circuitBreaker.currentState()
// wire the circuit breaker
// execute an operation under the circuit breaker
val result = circuitBreaker.executeOperation {
// operation
// listen to specific events
circuitBreaker.onCallNotPermitted {
// action
// listen to all events
circuitBreaker.onEvent {
// action
// cancel all registered listeners
// manually:
// - override the circuit breaker state
// - reset the circuit breaker
// - record an operation success
// - record an operation failure
A mutable shared flow that emits events of type Event. Such events can be listened to by:
Cancels all listeners registered. Subsequent registrations should not be affected.
Returns the current state of the circuit breaker as a snapshot.
Executes the given operation and dispatches the necessary events based on its result and the configuration.
Executes the given operation decorated by this circuit breaker and returns its result, while handling any possible failure and emitting the necessary events.
Handles the possible failure of an operation decorated by the circuit breaker, by emitting the necessary events and rethrowing the exception.
Executes the given action when a circuit breaker event occurs. This function can be used to listen to all retry events.
Executes the given action when an operation fails.
Executes the given action when an operation succeeds.
Executes the given action when the circuit breaker resets.
Registers a listener that will be called when a specific subtype of Event is emitted.
Executes the given action when the circuit breaker transitions to a new state.
Records a failed operation execution.
Records a successful operation execution.
Executes the given operation and returns its result, while handling any possible failure.
Transitions the circuit breaker to the Closed state, maintaining the recorded results.
Transitions the circuit breaker to the HalfOpen state, maintaining the recorded results.
Transitions the circuit breaker to the Open state, maintaining the recorded results.
Checks the current state of the circuit breaker and decides whether the operation is allowed to proceed. If the circuit breaker is in the Open state or in the HalfOpen state and the number of calls attempted does exceed the permitted number of calls in the half-open state, a CallNotPermittedException is thrown; otherwise, the operation is allowed to proceed.