
data class CircuitBreakerConfig(val failureRateThreshold: Double, val slidingWindow: SlidingWindow, val permittedNumberOfCallsInHalfOpenState: Int, val delayStrategyInOpenState: CtxDelayStrategy<Unit>, val maxWaitDurationInHalfOpenState: Duration, val recordExceptionPredicate: OnExceptionPredicate, val recordResultPredicate: OnResultPredicate)(source)

Represents a CircuitBreaker configuration.



the rate in percentage (e.g., 0.5 for 50%) of calls recorded as failure that will trigger the circuit breaker to transition to the Open state if equalled or exceeded.


the sliding window used to record the result (success or failure) of calls and calculate the failure rate. Even if the failureRateThreshold is exceeded, the circuit breaker will not transition to the Open state if the number of calls recorded in the sliding window is less than this value.


the number of calls that are allowed to be made in the HalfOpen state. If this number is exceeded, all subsequent calls will be rejected. If one of the calls made in the HalfOpen state fails, the circuit breaker will transition back to the Open state.


represents the delay strategy that determines next delay duration in Open before switching to HalfOpen, based on the current transition attempt and additional context. This strategy can be used for complex delay strategies that can be used to further delay the transition (e.g., to give the operation, and the underlying system, more time to recover after a failure in HalfOpen).


the duration the circuit breaker will wait in the HalfOpen state before transitioning to the Closed state.


a predicate that determines whether an exception thrown by the underlying operation should be recorded as a failure, and as such, increase the failure rate.


a predicate that determines whether the result of the underlying operation should be recorded as a failure, and as such, increase the failure rate.


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constructor(failureRateThreshold: Double, slidingWindow: SlidingWindow, permittedNumberOfCallsInHalfOpenState: Int, delayStrategyInOpenState: CtxDelayStrategy<Unit>, maxWaitDurationInHalfOpenState: Duration, recordExceptionPredicate: OnExceptionPredicate, recordResultPredicate: OnResultPredicate)