
fun interface DelayProvider(source)

A delay provider executes the actual waiting period, in contrast to a DelayStrategy, which only determines the delay duration. This provider can be used to implement custom delay logic with optional state between attempts. See CtxDelayProvider for a context-aware version.

Stateless Example:

val statelessDelayProvider = DelayProvider { attempt ->
val nextDuration = when {
attempt % 2 == 0 -> 1.seconds
else -> 2.seconds
externalDelay(nextDuration) // your custom delay provider
Duration.ZERO // to skip the default delay provider

Stateful Example:

val statefulDelayProvider = object : DelayProvider<TContext> {
var delayProviderRetryCounter = 0
private set
override suspend fun delay(attempt: Int): Duration {
val nextDuration = when {
++delayProviderRetryCounter % 2 == 0 -> 1.seconds
else -> 2.seconds
externalDelay(nextDuration) // your custom delay provider
return Duration.ZERO // to skip the default delay provider

Note: A stateless custom delay provider that does not use an external delay will have the same behaviour as a DelayStrategy. As such, it is recommended to use it instead.

By default, kotlinx.coroutines.delay is used as the delay provider.


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abstract suspend fun delay(attempt: Int): Duration

Determines the delay between retries. If the return value is Duration.ZERO, the delay is considered to be defined externally and the default delay provider is skipped.