Package-level declarations


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internal interface FlowEventListener<Event>

Represents a listener mechanism that can be used to listen to events of type Event. Uses a MutableSharedFlow to emit events, which can be listened to by registering listeners. Listener onEvent can be used to register an unspecific listener that will be called when an event is emitted. Implementations should provide additional methods to register listeners for specific events. The asynchronous nature of the listener's execution is controlled by the scope in which they are launched. Registered listeners can be cancelled at any time without affecting subsequent registrations.

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Represents the default implementation of a listener mechanism that can be used to listen to events of type Event. Uses a MutableSharedFlow to emit events, which can be listened to by registering listeners. Listener onEvent can be used to register an unspecific listener that will be called when an event is emitted. Implementations should provide additional methods to register listeners for specific events. This implementation uses a CoroutineScope with a Job and Dispatchers.Default to control the asynchronous nature of the listener's execution. Registered listeners can be cancelled at any time without affecting subsequent registrations, see cancelListeners.